TitelGravity Light
BriefMany of us take electric light for granted, but not everyone has access to the power grid. Gravity Light, as its name suggests, is a light entirely powered by gravity. In was launched in November 2016 in Kenya with a roadshow across 50 rural, off grid communities. The tour combined musical performances, a story relay and a night study space powered by gravity lights. Not everyone in the world has access to the power grid. This light, entirely powered by gravity, will bring illumination to areas of the world where it is sorely needed. The light was launched during a roadshow across Kenya.
Kampagne Gravity Light
Werbende Shell Global, Gravitylight Foundation
Marke Gravity Light
PostedNovember 2017
Geschäftsbereich Wasser- & Energie-Vergsorgungsbetriebe
Story In 2015, we partnered with Gravity Light to develop their prototype product and create the first commercial launch. November 2016, we launched a light powered entirely by gravity in Kenya, with an experiential roadshow across 50 rural, off grid communities. We did this using a touring experience combining local musical performances, a story relay and opening a night study space, powered by gravity lights.
Medientyp Case Study
Executive Creative Director
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