Banjo Eyes Films

London, Großbritannien


19 New Road - Brighton East Sussex
London BN1 1UF
Telefon: +44 7551446758


Banjo Eyes Films

19 New Road - Brighton East Sussex
London BN1 1UF
Telefon: +44 7551446758

Über Banjo Eyes Films

Banjo Eyes Films is a production company based in London.

I am Davide Gentile and after graduating at the Milano Cinema Film School, I worked at Mercurio Film as editor assistant before moving to New York to run the video department for the news website i-ITALY.
I moved to London in 2011 where I currently work as a director of commercials and documentaries.
The combination of these fields of interest helps me to be able to shoot commercials capturing all aspects of a story, the truth of the characters and, viceversa, to shoot documentaries using the care and attention to detail required for commercials.
I always look for the wit in every single frame, to shape people, to capture fragments of life and look for the invisible magic beyond them.
Banjo Eyes means wide-open eyes, as from being surprised or startled, the attitude I always try to face life with.

I worked for brands such as: Vodafone, Durex, Pepsi, Chevrolet, Redbull, AT&T, Costa Crociere, LUX, YOOX and AOL.
I won awards with Mofilm (5 awards), the International Booktrailer Film Festival and the Cortinametraggio. 

Philosophie & Wettbewerbsvorteile
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The company is perhaps independent. If not, it can be edited here Bearbeiten
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