Factory Studios
Produktionsfirma at Factory Studios
London, Großbritannien
TitelWhat's Your Name?
Kampagne What's Your Name?
Werbende Iris Worldwide
Marke Starbucks Coffee
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2020 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Kaffee, Tee, Kakao
Slogan Re-positioning Starbucks as an inclusive space where everyone is welcome
Story The integrated brand campaign, #whatsyourname, focuses on the importance of identity and acceptance. It takes Starbucks’ signature act of writing people’s names on cups and brings that to life in the most powerful way. The 60 second TV ad depicts the challenges of ‘James’ who is transitioning and does not identify with his birth-name ‘Jemma’. Throughout the piece James is called ‘Jemma’ by others during everyday occurrences until the ad culminates with him trying out his chosen name for the first time at a Starbucks store. He responds as ‘James’ when the barista asks his name which is then written on a Starbucks cup, and called out when James’s coffee is ready.
Philosophie The integrated brand campaign, #whatsyourname, focuses on the importance of identity and acceptance. It takes Starbucks’ signature act of writing people’s names on cups and brings that to life in the most powerful way. It builds on an insight that members of the transgender community often try out their new identity for the first time in a Starbucks store – an open and safe space where they feel welcomed. Whilst an everyday interaction for many, giving your name to a barista for the transgender community becomes a truly significant moment as they are recognised as who they want to be.
Problem Based on the insight that only 0.3% of TV adverts feature a transgender person, despite the community making up an estimated 1% of the population, we saw an opportunity for Starbucks to re-ignite itself as a progressive brand, by building on it’s strong heritage with the LGBT+ community.
Ergebnis Using the £1 million media awarded from Channel 4 we were able give airtime to this under-represented community and tell their unique stories. In addition to the TV ad we also gave a platform to real trans people so they could tell the stories behind their chosen names in a series of ‘Moving Portraits’ that played out on TV, online, OOH and instore.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Art Director
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer
Director / DOP

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