Mark Jenkinson

Mark Jenkinson

Director at Object & Animal
London, Großbritannien


Mark is a multifaceted director, with a mastery not only of the creative aspects but also the technical nuances of his craft. From his early days as a performance director, his passion for engines was evident, likely stemming from his hands-on experience fixing his father’s motorbikes.

Mark’s success in capturing fast cars on film can be seen across his work for renowned brands such as Mercedes, Lexus, AMG, Renault, Nissan, BMW, and Porsche, producing award-winning films shot in breathtaking locations. Despite his accomplishments in the world of cars, Mark’s true passion lies in capturing the essence of real people in performance work. His ability to dream up innovative approaches to shooting action has seamlessly translated into capturing the human element.

With a diverse portfolio that showcases his exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to his craft, Mark continues to push boundaries and deliver outstanding results in the world of directing.


Object & Animal
Object & Animal
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
July 2023 - Derzeit hier (10 Monate)
Hamburg, Deutschland
January 2021 - Derzeit hier (3 Jahre 4 Monate)
Imperial Woodpecker
Santa Monica, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
January 2016 - July 2023 (7 Jahre 6 Monate)

Ähnliches Profil

Plácido Castaño
Fandango Films
Sophie Dros
CZAR Amsterdam
Alfonso Aguilar
Manoj Tapadia
Marble Jar Films
Franklin Film
Ben Strebel
CZAR Amsterdam
Greg Gray
HunkyDory Films

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