DDB Worldwide

New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelWh4t3v3r_d00rs 3
Kampagne Wh4t3v3r_d00rs
Werbende McDonald's
Marke McDelivery
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2020 / 2
Geschäftsbereich Gastätte & Schnellgaststätte
Story The visuals demonstrate that whatever door they’re at in their game, we’ll deliver tasty McDonald’s food to their door, at home.
Philosophie The visuals demonstrate that whatever door they’re at in their game, we’ll deliver tasty McDonald’s food to their door, at home.
Problem When gamers play a game they spend hours immersed in this world. So much so that taking a break and going out to get food can seem impossible. So, McDonald’s created their first ever campaign strictly for gamers to promote their McDelivery service. Showing gamers that with McDelivery they’re Never AFK (Away From Keyboard).
Medientyp Presse & Publikationen
Creative Lead
Chief Creative Officer
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer

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