TitelIrresistibly pointless trueview ads
Kampagne Irresistibly pointless trueview ads
Werbende IKEA
Marke Ikea furniture
PostedJunI 2018
Geschäftsbereich Haushaltsgeräte, Möbel & Gartenbedarf
Story With the concept Where Life Happens, Ikea shows that it understands people's real lives. And in real life, people skip YouTube ads. Most brands pray that people will watch them. Ikea did the opposite. The actors in these ads actually beg viewers to skip the boring content. And to rub it in the ads are over five minutes long. The results were astonishing. People watched the ads for over 3 minutes, way above industry average, and 39% stayed through the whole thing.
Medientyp Interaktiv
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
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