
Herengracht 551
Amsterdam 1017 BW
Telefon: 20 308 0380


Gegründet in: 2004


Mitarbeiter: 600

Awards: 69

Kreative Projekte: 259

Kunden: 21

Gegründet in: 2004


Mitarbeiter: 600

Awards: 69

Kreative Projekte: 259

Kunden: 21

Anomaly Amsterdam

Herengracht 551
Amsterdam 1017 BW
Telefon: 20 308 0380

Super Bowl 2018: Mary O’Donnell, Propac


Mary O’Donnell
Account Executive Propac
In a few words, can you tell us who you are and what your job title is?
I am an Account Executive at Propac, graduated from SMU in 2014 with a B.A. in Advertising and minors in English and Sports Management; I teach indoor cycling (my side hustle!) and live in Dallas.
The current price for a 30 second slot is over $5 million. In your opinion is the spend worth it?
This year I think so – the ‘teaser’ ads leading up to the Superbowl have gotten a lot of traction.
Is there a demographic you believe Super Bowl advertisers have failed to target or a business sector that is underrepresented?
I am really into football and, I have a lot of friends who (even though they might not like football as much) still watch the Super Bowl, but I feel like none of the ads are targeted towards my demographic (female millennial).
Who do you think is the ‘brand to watch’ at this year’s Super Bowl?
I would be interested to see what Bud Light does with ‘Dilly Dilly’, as they have created a hype and excitement around a phrase, that has turned into pop culture that means nothing. Where do they take it next and how far can they go with it. Plus, always interested to see what Jeff Bezos has up his sleeve when it comes to Alexa and how far they can take AI.
Do you think advertisers can benefit from taking a political/social stance in the Super Bowl?
Personally, I think the Super Bowl is a great opportunity for brands to get creative without having to involve politics or social issues – the Super Bowl in its nature isn’t serious, and I feel like brands who make their ads political are kind of ruining the experience. Although I can totally see why some brands would do it, but I would stick to more universal, human issues rather than hot social issues.
Are there any fumbled opportunities that come to mind when you think of past Super Bowl advertising?
None that come to mind!
Eagles or Patriots?
What is your favorite Super Bowl ad of all time?
Budweiser "puppy love" by Anomaly.


Mary O’Donnell
Account Executive Propac

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