TitelWhere healthcare meets the future
Kampagne Where healthcare meets the future
Werbende Erasmus University Medical Center
Marke Erasmus MC Campus
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2021
Geschäftsbereich Gesundheits- und Pharmazeutische Produkte
Slogan Where healthcare meets the future
Story Challenge: Help Erasmus University Medical Center (Erasmus MC), one of Europe’s largest and most esteemed university medical centers, build an innovative brand that connects the worlds of health and technology to bring forth future-proof healthcare.

Outcome: A cutting-edge new brand, Erasmus MC Campus, that enables faculties, companies, and care facilities to collaborate and innovate. Erasmus MC Campus clearly reflects Erasmus MC’s vision of driving innovation in healthcare.
Ergebnis Based in Rotterdam and rooted in science, Erasmus MC Campus is a space where organizations and innovators can come together. It’s where the worlds of healthcare and technology collide to pave the way for more sustainable and future-proof healthcare.
Medientyp Case Study
Mehr Informationen https://dpdk.com/work/erasmus-mc-campus
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