Voces de la Ausencia - "Anthem" by PHNX Awards 2020

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Kampagne Missing Voices
Werbende Voces de la Ausencia
Marke Voces de la Ausencia
PostedJunI 2020
Produkt Brand Awareness
Geschäftsbereich Menschenrechte
Story 9 women are killed every day in México and they didn't want us to talk about it anymore, so we decided to sing it loudly. Because every day our National Anthem plays at midnight, so, we replaced it with one sung by 9 relatives of victims of femicide in which, every 10 seconds, a voice disappeared. This new version was played on the journalist Frida Guerrera's social accounts, also at digital portals, radio, and TV stations showing us what does the absence of 9 women a day in Mexico sounds like. 211,000 impressions in the first 12 hours 2,400 visits to the site on the first day 3.8 million organic impressions
Medientyp Interaktiv
Brand Voces de La Ausencia
Agency Archer Troy
Country México
VP Creative Mike Arciniega
General Creative Director Abraham Quintana / Carlos Fernández Oxté
Creative Director Alejandro Junco
Art Director Pedro Molina
Copywriter Giovana Franchini
Art Karla Rodriguez
Agency Producer Martín Hernández / Emmanuel García
Production Company La Tuna Films
Director José Miguel Ramírez (Coika)