Wheelchange Tours - "Wheelchange Tours" by PHNX Awards 2021

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TitelWheelchange Tours
BriefThere are many ways to make tourism more inclusive. Wheelchange Tours is one of them: a system that links a wheelchair to a bicycle. Thanks to that innovation, a person with reduced mobility can become a tour guide. This innovation led to the creation of a new type of city tour, and a new sort of tour guide.
Kampagne Wheelchange Tours
Werbende Tur4All
Marke Wheelchange Tours
PostedNovember 2019
Geschäftsbereich Transport, Reise & Tourismus
Story There are many ways to make tourism more inclusive. Wheelchange Tours is one of them: a system that allows you to couple a wheelchair with a bicycle. With it, a person with reduced mobility can become a tourist guide.
Problem Wheelchange Tours is an idea for Portugal which sees the tourism industry as a priority. An idea that can create a new profession in the tourist business for people with motor disabilities, and that can be replicated elsewhere.
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