Kampagne Micropops
Werbende Good Humor Popsicle
Marke Micropops

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PostedMai 2001
Produkt Nur für Abonnenten
GeschäftsbereichNur für Abonnenten
SloganNur für Abonnenten
Medientyp Fernsehen
MarktNur für Abonnenten
Creative Director A..y Ma....ky Nur für Abonnenten
Texter A..y Ma....ky Nur für Abonnenten
Creative Director J..f L..g Nur für Abonnenten
Art Director J..f L..g Nur für Abonnenten
Produktionsfirma ..H F...s Nur für Abonnenten
Regisseur H...y H....an Nur für Abonnenten
Redaktionsbüro Tr.....ad Nur für Abonnenten
Cutter B..l M...or Nur für Abonnenten
Tonstudio A....er C....ry Nur für Abonnenten
Tonstudio J..n B...er Nur für Abonnenten
Art Director Jo....an Sc.....eld Nur für Abonnenten
Werbeleiter B...y D...e Nur für Abonnenten
Leiter der Werbeabteilung B...y D...e Nur für Abonnenten
Account Executive H...ry C....ns Nur für Abonnenten
Produzent ..n M...il Nur für Abonnenten

Über Ogilvy Chicago

Our mission is to help brands and people impact the world.
Consumers today expect the brands they love to contribute positively to their lives, communities and society. At Ogilvy, we understand this, and the implications it holds. This makes our mission both pertinent for right now and for the future.
Impact can take on many forms, in moments both grand and intimate. Regardless of size and scale, we help brands make an impact on their people and communities so they can live up to their fullest potential. We help connect impact to financial success and growth opportunities for our clients. As an agency partner, it is our responsibility to ensure that the investment that our clients make on their marketing efforts drive success both in the short- and long-term.
As an integrated, global communication network, we work across all channels, along the customer’s decision journey. We have designed our structure so we are able to operate at the intersection of talent and capabilities. Our model centers on five core businesses—Advertising, Public Relations & Influence, Experience, Growth & Innovation, and Health—each offering distinct, bestin-class expertise and intersecting seamlessly together to bring clients the right solution.

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