TitelObscene gap
BriefIn an online film, male porn actors complain that they are paid around 40% less than women in the industry. The gender role reversal aimed to highlight the injustice faced by the majority of women in other industries. In the United States, for example, the average woman gets paid 75 cents for every $1 a man earns for the same job. The video raised awareness of the subject and fuelled the debate in a witty and ironic way.
Kampagne Obscene gap
Werbende IB Women
Marke IB Women

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PostedNovember 2017
GeschäftsbereichNur für Abonnenten
StoryNur für Abonnenten
Medientyp Case Study
Texter M...ca M..o Nur für Abonnenten
Chief Creative Officer M...ca M..o Nur für Abonnenten
Texter A...r Me....vil Nur für Abonnenten
Art Director R...el Ma....nez Nur für Abonnenten
Art Director R....do R...ra Nur für Abonnenten
Art Director M...el A...nz Nur für Abonnenten

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