TitelBe Seen
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Werbende Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
Marke Planned Parenthood

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Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung Nur für Abonnenten
GeschäftsbereichNur für Abonnenten
StoryNur für Abonnenten
Medientyp Internet-Film

Über Virtue Worldwide

We are VIRTUE, the creative agency born from VICE.
Since 2006, we’ve used our entertainment DNA to help brands capture the attention of their audiences with work that speaks to our most primal instincts of pleasure, attraction and delight.
We believe in commanding, not demanding; entertaining, not interrupting; contributing, not leaching. Because brands should add to the world they want to be a part of — not distract from it.
With presence in 21 countries, we craft campaigns, platforms, and IP for some of the most important brands on the planet. Using proprietary tools, access, and intelligence, we find new ways for brands to matter to the world through an entertainment-centric approach that plunges its hooks into audiences’ subconscious and refuses to let go.
Virtue is behind the award winning Chrome’s ‘Don’t Be A Browser’, Park MGM’s Las Vegas Love Stories, Weedmaps’ Museum of Weed, Dove’s Dear Future Dads, Q the Genderless Voice, and Carlings adDRESS the Future.  


How Creative Technology Is Equipping Ukrainians to Protect Their National Spirit | LBBOnline

Little Black Book, Morten Grubak and Tao Thomsen of Virtue tell the story of how they created ‘Backup Ukraine’ to help protect the country’s cultural heritage through putting creative technology in the hands of dedicated volunteers, writes LBB’s Alex Reeves

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