TitelFreedom Grams
BriefWhile most people in the U.S. enjoy the benefits of cannabis legalization, 40,000 are still in prison for it, forgotten by the public.Freedom Grams. A cannabis brand that makes consumers aware that others are still in prison for amounts they can legally buy today. All proceeds fund legal action to get them out.The design system is based on prison bars from which generative typography breaks free. The custom variable type has two fonts: extended and condensed where each character was constructed from two perspectives. The monogram of the brand represents the amounts (in grams) of cannabis. The type tool allows even non-designers to generate the custom type and create labels easily.Launched on 4/20 by AROYA and GABY Inc. along with nonprofit Last Prisoner Project, Freedom Grams is a platform inviting the industry and its consumers to use their own freedom to free others.
Kampagne Freedom Grams
Werbende AROYA x GABY Inc. x Last Prisoner Project
Marke Freedom Grams

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