Period poverty affects many women around the world. In the United States, nearly one in four are forced to choose between food and tampons (or related products) due to their high cost. To make matters worse, hygiene products are not included in country’s health aid programs, while food is. So a group of associations teamed up with 72andSunny to come up with a solution: LoopHoles, a cereal with a menstrual cycle’s worth of tampons inside. And as it’s technically food, it’s funded by the SNAP food assistance program. The packaging has also been designed to educate and raise awareness of the subject. 

TitelLoopholes Cereal
Kampagne Loopholes Cereal
Werbende PERIOD., Free the Period, No More Secrets, The Flow Initiative, Ignite, August, Off-Limits Cereal
Marke Menstrual Equity For All Act

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