Dare has appointed Sean Thompson, the executive creative director at Arnold Worl...

von Chris Saunders , FTI Consulting
  • Dare has appointed Sean Thompson, the executive creative director at Arnold Worldwide in Amsterdam, to an equivalent position, replacing Flo Heiss.
  • David Bainbridge, the chief executive of Elvis, has quit the company to set up his own educational content business.
  • Justin Billingsley, the regional chief executive and chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi Greater China, has been confirmed in the role of chief operating officer for the network in EMEA.
  • Jerry Buhlmann, the chief executive of the Dentsu Aegis Network, has been given the additional role of executive officer of Dentsu, only the second non-Japanese executive officer in the company's history.
  • 23red, the integrated agency, has hired Felix Hall, previously a business director at M&C Saatchi, as its managing director.
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