HORNBACH makes a disruptive start to spring: LET NATURE DO THE JOB.

HORNBACH, together with its regular partner HeimatTBWA\ in Berlin, is starting this year's spring season with a bang.

“Let nature do the job.” is the message that can now be seen on billboards throughout Europe. So, in their most busy time of the year, the DIY and garden chain is surprisingly calling on its customers to leave their gardens to their own.

Because amidst long-standing droughts, water shortages, climate change and rapidly decreasing numbers of birds and insects, HORNBACH believes the time has come to fundamentally correct the image of a perfect garden. And to inspire gardeners to let nature take over - and be amazed what their gardens can do on their own.
For the most beautiful seed mixture has always been chance.

The campaign is being launched almost simultaneously throughout Europe and, in addition to an extensive moving image campaign (TV/OLV), includes a wide variety of productions in social media, digital, (D)OHH, print, ambient and at the PoS.

Four campaign films, told with a striking voice and monumental, epic pictures, are telling the story of a garden that is simply left to take care of itself. From seeds in the air, parachuting into the unknown, and wild water rapids taking the viewer along a ride with those seeds – the seemingly small events have all the makings of a big action Film. A Film, which is made almost without any computer effects, directed by Hauke Hilberg and produced by CZAR. The music was penned by the composers of playdis, the hand-made sound design was added by the creative noise creators of foleys.berlin.

The HeimatTBWA\ and HORNBACH team has always found a way to address ecological challenges such as biodiversity or urban sealing in their own unique way, without being guilty of advertising lies. A campaign showing copulating insects or the monumental transformation of a house facade into an oversized vertical garden were perfect examples.

"We have always forbidden ourselves the typical gloom with which ecological topics are usually communicated, that is not HORNBACH", says Guido Heffels, the creative responsible for HORNBACH, "that is as mendacious as it is ineffective". "We want to invite people to think about alternatives. And of course, to be their suitable project partner for this," adds Thomas Schnaitmann, Head of Brand International at HORNBACH.

Within the framework of the campaign, an extensive website and the stationary PoS, including the HORNBACH advisory team, will ensure that the indispensable knowledge about the subject of natural gardening is conveyed. In addition, there will be various measures in the numerous HORNBACH stores throughout Europe. 

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