McCormick, the spices and herbs manufacturer, has handed Starcom MediaVest Group...

von Chris Saunders , FTI Consulting
  • McCormick, the spices and herbs manufacturer, has handed Starcom MediaVest Group its media and digital account across 11 EMEA markets.
  • Dreams has appointed BBD Perfect Storm to help the bed retailer push into the Home Mover market as well build a greater relationship with its consumers post purchase.
  • Marriner Marketing Communications was named agency of record for Hospitality Mints, a manufacturer of custom mints. The agency will handle digital strategy and design for e-commerce vehicles, a revitalized social community as well as content, search marketing and updated sales materials. Headquartered in Boone, N.C., Hospitality Mints manufactures more than one billion mints every year to more than 10,000 customers across foodservice, retail and vertical markets.
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