
Santa Monica, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelBringing Down the House
Kampagne More Soul
Werbende Kia Motors
Marke Kia
PostedAugust 2012
Produkt Soul
Geschäftsbereich Autos
Slogan A New Way to Roll
Story The commercial starts with all the grandeur and scale of an epic Hollywood period film. We see an orchestra, ballet dancers, an opera singer and, well, a slightly odd conductor. As the opera music and vocals fill the air, the conductor unexpectedly takes the performance in a new direction when he introduces a Kia Soul. The vehicle rises up through the floor taking everyone by surprise. The conductor then rips off his mask revealing a human-sized hamster. From there we reveal the other hamsters whose positivity and energy turn the opera house into an epic fusion of old and new worlds – complete with a laser light show, the latest dance trends, and an equally epic hamster stage dive.
All of this inspires even the crustiest of the upper-crust opera crowd to set aside their inhibitions and discover their inner party animal, or inner hamster. As soon as everyone is on their feet and moving to the music, the hamsters realize their job is done. They get back into their trusty Soul, then take off into hyperspace and head for, well, who knows? You’ll just have to wait until next year to find out.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Soundtrack In My Mind
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