Bikini Editorial

New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kampagne Starbucks
Werbende Starbucks Corporation
Marke Starbucks
PostedMai 2004
Produkt DoubleShot
Geschäftsbereich Kaffee, Tee, Kakao
Story This commercial features Glen, a young man who jump-starts his morning by reaching into his refrigerator for a Starbucks DoubleShot. As he begins to drink it, we hear the famous opening riff of the song, “Eye of the Tiger,” and the camera reveals that the band, Survivor, has appeared in his apartment. They sing a version of their song that is personalized to Glen, as they follow him through his routine on the way to work.
Philosophie “Glen” illustrates how DoubleShot’s two shots of espresso and cream are just the thing you need to “GET GOING EVERY MORNING”. What better way to communicate mental and physical preparedness than to associate the brand with the ever popular, instantly recognizable "Eye of the Tiger" track. Long recognized for its "psych-me-up" abilities, the track lends instant credibility and intensity to the DoubleShot promise.
Problem Given the newness of Starbucks DoubleShot Espresso Drink, our objective is to continue building deeper awareness and trial. We believe there is an opportunity to position DoubleShot as a tool to get the mind and body into full swing. We needed a spot that would breakthrough the summertime beverage clutter...and tell people what DoubleShot will do for them.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Soundtrack Eye of the Tiger
Art Director
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director

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