Andy Fackrell
Creative Director at ...
TitelSay Hello to Fresh
Kampagne Say Hello to Fresh
Werbende Wm Wrigley Jr. Co.
Marke Eclipse Mints
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2015 / 1
Geschäftsbereich Schokolade, Schokoriegel, Süßigkeiten, Kaugummi
Slogan Say Hello to Fresh
Story Wrigley has launched a new campaign for Eclipse, its sugar-free mints. Created by DDB Group Guangzhou and DDB Sydney, the TVC centres on a young man making the best of unexpected and uncomfortable moments – including run-ins with a thug, street performers, gangsters and even a body bag. Remaining consistent with Eclipse’s brand story of seeing where ‘hello’ takes you, the TVC reinforces the notion that every new connection offers a potential opportunity.
Filmed specifically for Hong Kong and Taiwan, the TVC features a young man travelling through the back streets of a dangerous city and the predicaments he finds himself in. ‘Hello’ becomes his catch cry, and with a packet of Eclipse in his pocket, he enjoys the company of his new friends.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt China, Taiwan
Regional Creative Director

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