Richard Muntz
Executive Creative Director at J. Walter Thompson Melbourne
Melbourne, Australien
TitelStop The Slaughter
Kampagne Stop the Slaughter
Werbende International Fund for Animal Welfare
Marke International Fund for Animal Welfare
PostedJuli 2011
Geschäftsbereich Tierrechte
Philosophie Achieving our objective was not going to be easy. The average Joe does not get to see a whale in his lifetime and therefore understandably finds it difficult to feel the pain that whaling inflicts on these gentle giants of the sea. The challenge for our posters was to make the viewer feel anger and hate towards whaling and not just mere sympathy for the whales.
Problem Commercial whaling was banned in 1986. Yet, whales face more threats today than at any other time in history. Whaling nations - led by Japan, continue to kill thousands of endangered whales in the name of ‘scientific research’. Our client, IFAW was keen to put an end to this sham. We were tasked with the objective of garnering mass support and opinion against the inhumane act of whale-hunting.
Ergebnis The campaign has already received a great response from IFAW's global offices and the campaign has been made available for use to other countries to help protect whales around the world. The posters have been referred by many as art rather than an advertising campaign.
Medientyp Verpackung, Marke & Design
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