Anders Tempelman
Writer/Director at TEMPELMAN Sweden AB
Stockholm, Sweden, Schweden
Kampagne Moonshine has a slight taste of organized crime - OAS
Werbende OAS
Marke OAS
PostedSeptember 2000
Geschäftsbereich Rotes Kreuz, öffentliche Beratungsstellen (Drogen/Alkoholismus/Rauchen/Aids)
Slogan Moonshine has a slight taste of organized crime
Slogan (Originalsprache) Hembrändt har en liten bismak av den kriminella världen
Story The billboard campaign consists of several pictures of people with something nasty in their mouth. A rat, a syringe, bullets, a chopped-off finger, a knuckle, etc.

The tag line is:

Moonshine has a slight taste of organized crime.
Philosophie Make the connection between organized crime and moonshine, in the strongest possible way.
Problem Moonshine is a growing problem in Sweden. The alcohol is smuggled into the country by criminal organizations who also make money on drugs, weapons and other criminal offences. A fact which very few are aware of.
Medientyp Plakat
Markt Schweden
Art Director
Direktor Fotografie

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