Pedro Cappeletti
Chief Creative Officer at Grey Brasil
São Paulo, Brasilien
TitelLine 3
Kampagne Line
Werbende Projeto Arrastão
Marke Projeto Arrastão
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2011 / 2
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Slogan One day, someone’s problem might be your problem too.
Philosophie The pieces simulate the lives of two children - one that lives with its parents and another one of lower income, needy - by means of train lines in which each station represents a period of their lives, until at a certain point they cross each other in a tragic way.
Medientyp Plakat
Creative Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Art Director
Marketing Supervisior
Marketing Supervisior

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