Marty Friedman
Agency Producer at Big Picture Studios
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kampagne Aren't You Glad You Live Here - Nassau University Medical Center
Werbende Nassau University Medical Center
Marke Nassau University Medical Center
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2002 / 6
Produkt Hospital
Geschäftsbereich Krankenhäuse und Klinike
Slogan Now, Aren't You Glad You Live Here.
Story Scenes of many beautiful places on Long Island.
Philosophie Research indicated that many consumers knew only that NUMC was a good hospital for emergency care. They were open to learn more. We created a campaign that capitalized on the high caliber and professional accomplishments of the hospital's physicians in a relevant, believable manner and tied NUMC closely to Long Island to appeal to the Long Island-centric consumer.
Problem Nassau University Medical Center, formerly Nassau County Medical Center, was for many years considered the hospital of last resort. It was critical to Nassau County to turn the hospital around.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Creative Director
Creative Director
Agency Producer

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