James Gardner
Designer/Animator at Suneeva
Santa Monica, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelOld Man Winter
Kampagne Old Man Winter
Werbende Agway
Marke Agway Energy
PostedFebruar 2004
Produkt Heating Oil
Geschäftsbereich Wasser- & Energie-Vergsorgungsbetriebe
Story Old Man Winter races around his frigid, ice-lined office manipulating the winter weather in the Northeast, dropping feet of snow on citizens and reveling as he dials temperatures down to "really really really cold." The only thing that can foil his cruel plans for winter is Agway Energy Products.
Philosophie By creatively representing winter as an old-fashioned vindictive villian, Agway Energy Products becomes the hero that foils him. And by creating an imaginery world full of visual suprises and jokes, the audience's attention is held long enough to definitely absorb the message.
Problem Agway Energy Products needed to increase their energy delivery and service business to consumers. To do so they needed to remind homeowners that Agway products and service were an essential part of keeping the winter cold at bay.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Direktor Fotografie

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