Owen Lee
Chief Creative Officer at FCB Inferno
London, Großbritannien
TitelGym 1
Kampagne Sex and the City - Paramount
Werbende Paramount
Marke Comedy Channel
PostedJanuar 2002
Produkt Sex and the City
Geschäftsbereich Fernseh- & Radioprogramme & Sender
Story Two TV commercials have been produced. The first features two women in a gym, discussing threesomes and the possible reasoning behind them, whilst being overheard by a bloke, who is somewhat shocked by the conversation! Due to the content of the lead commercial (the ad is the first to be aired on TV featuring the word "lesbian" in the dialogue) the second commecial is a spoof of the first with dubbing tover the words so that it can run before the 9pm watershed.
Philosophie Paramount has used Farm to produce the campaign, which is designed to create awareness of the fact that Paramount are now airing Sex and the City 5 nights a week. The campaign has been designed to create impact by encouraging people to "take a crash course in the opposite sex" by watching Sex and the City on Paramount.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Großbritannien
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