Suza Horvat
Herstellungsleiter at The Corner Shop
Shanghai, China
TitelTipping Point
Kampagne Tipping Point
Werbende Diageo
Marke Guinness
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2007 / 11
Geschäftsbereich Bier, Cidre
Slogan Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Story “Tipping Point” shows an entire community who, using an array of objects, come together to create the ultimate toppling dominos spectacle. The locals hold their breath as the first domino is tipped, beginning an intricate domino cascade. The excitement mounts as the chain reaction takes hold and books begin to fall, causing cascading crates and suitcases, oil drums are overturned, fridges fall and even cars tumble over in a precision course that weaves its way though the narrow, cobble stoned streets. As the magic unfolds, eager villagers race to see the result of their efforts.
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
Markt Großbritannien
Direktor Fotografie
Creative Teammitglied
Creative Teammitglied
Agency Producer
Executive Producer

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