Erika Haggist
Head of New Business at Moss/Dragoti
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelI Gave Blood, Again
Kampagne I Gave Blood Again - American Red Cross
Werbende American Red Cross
Marke American Red Cross
PostedDezember 2002
Produkt Blood Donations
Geschäftsbereich Blut-/Organspende
Story The newspaper print ad showcases a button stating 'I gave blood again.' This simple execution is meant to motivate and then congratulate donors for giving again and helping save lives. The copy explains the hard facts that every 2 seconds someone in America needs blood and that the nations blood supply continues to dwindle creating a dangerous deficit.
Philosophie Targeted current donors, men 35-65, asking them to give blood again, thus empowering them to save lives and feel heroic. If they do give again, then the blood shortages would be virtually alleviated. The message is meant to be factual, simple and real.
Problem Improve brand perception of American Red Cross and increase number of blood donations. Specific regions in America were and still are in desperate need of blood. Blood supply continues to dwindle from a 7-day to 2-day supply.
Medientyp Zeitungsanzeige
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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