Brigid Alkema
Chief Creative Officer at Clemenger BBDO
Wellington, Neuseeland
Kampagne Binge Drinking - Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Werbende Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Marke Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
PostedMai 2007
Produkt Anti Binge Drinking
Geschäftsbereich Rotes Kreuz, öffentliche Beratungsstellen (Drogen/Alkoholismus/Rauchen/Aids)
Slogan It's not the drinking. It's how we're drinking.
Story The campaign demonstrates the misery caused when alcohol takes over. It is sympathetic and non judgemental. A diverse range of problem drinkers have one thing in common - pain.
Philosophie Help is just a call away. The Alcohol Drug Helpline understand the pain of alcohol misuse.
Problem Get problem drinkers who feel trapped in a world ravaged by their drinking, to take the first step to getting their life under control.
Ergebnis Double the number of calls to the helpline.
Medientyp Presse & Publikationen
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