Ross Cameron
Planungsleiter at VCCP
London, Großbritannien
TitelBig Breakfast
Kampagne Good Morning - Kellogg's
Werbende Kellogg's
Marke Kellogg's
PostedSeptember 2010
Geschäftsbereich Reis, Nudeln, Trockengemüse & Getreide
Slogan Good Morning
Story Reawaken the positive memories and associations that people hold for
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes by putting the “good” into “Good Morning”.
Philosophie This is brought to life by showing a typical street waking up to find that an eye-catching breakfast table has been laid along the entire length of the street to provide them with a positive and optimistic start to their day – the chance to get together with their friends and neighbours at a communal breakfast, complete with Kellogg’s Corn Flakes.
Problem Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was the first ever cereal to be created by WK Kellogg, the founder of the world’s largest cereal manufacturer, over 100 year ago. This new campaign aims to attach an optimistic feeling to the start of the day and reignite the positive memories that people hold for one of Britain’s best-loved brands.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Europe
Media Planner
Marketing Manager
Media Agency Carat

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