Mariusz Jan Demner
Etatdirektor at Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann
Wien, Österreich
TitelFat Pets
Titel (Originalsprache)Dicke Tiere
Kampagne Fat Pets - Hilfswerk
Werbende Hilfswerk Austria
Marke Hilfswerk Austria
PostedJanuar 2008
Produkt Help for Children
Geschäftsbereich Karitative, Ehrenamtliche Organisationen
Story The campaign “Fat Pets” is an innovation in Austrian Charity Advertising. It contrasts the problems in poor countries – hunger and poverty – with the problems prosperity causes in the western countries by showing pictures of obese cats and dogs. At the same time it raises the question “Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something left over for children in need as well?”
Philosophie A completely different approach for the advertising campaign for Hilfswerk Austria has been chosen, aimed at attracting maximum attention with potential donors. Instead of pitiful pictures of suffering children, rather reppelent pictures of obese pets were used to address people and raise awareness for children in poor countries.
Problem Today’s media over-kill provides us with so many images from crisis and disaster areas that many people are starting to become immune to them.
Ergebnis The effect of attention-getting and awareness-rasing topped all expectations. Several Austrian newspapers reported about the campaign, including the “KronenZeitung”, Austria’s biggest newspaper. Innumerable people called Hilfswerk and the agency and desired to compliment on and/or talk about the campaign. The TV Spot has been rewarded Silver at the Mobius Festivals.
Medientyp Fernsehen
Markt Österreich
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