Jane Oak
Head of Content at Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand
Wellington, Neuseeland
TitelMeet Clever Kash, ASB's new cashless moneybox
Kampagne Meet Clever Kash
Werbende ASB Bank Limited
Marke ASB
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2015 / 9
Geschäftsbereich Bank Services, Börsenmakler
Story ASB has revealed a prototype of their new innovation today – a cashless moneybox that integrates with the ASB Mobile banking app to help teach children the value of money in an increasingly cashless society. Named ‘Clever Kash’ – the new look elephant money box is designed to keep children motivated towards their savings goals and help establish positive savings behaviour from an early age. 
Philosophie Clever Kash was invented by ASB and Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand. The 15cm tall moneybox was developed in collaboration with ASB's Technology & Innovation Labs, the Saatchi & Saatchi innovation team, Assembly, Kamahi Electronics and 4Design.Shane Evans, General Manager Marketing at ASB said: “It has been a great experience bringing this concept to life, with our partners at Saatchi & Saatchi. Together, we’ve been able to take a compelling idea and develop it into a physical product prototype in a very short timeframe. What we’ve produced is an exciting technology product that directly addresses a real issue that our customers have identified around developing good financial habits for children.ASB Chief Architect James Bergin says the entire Clever Kash project, from design through to the technology itself, has been New Zealand-based and has leveraged ASB’s heritage of technology and innovation.“Clever Kash connects with the ASB Mobile banking app via a secure and encrypted Bluetooth connection. Parents can be safe in the knowledge that Clever Kash displays the account balance only and kids have no transactional ability"
Problem It's challenging to teachchildren about the value of money as they don’t tend to use cash and coins for everyday purchases. Today, children are more likely to see their parents handing over a card to pay, and so may not appreciate how much things cost or see change calculated, as we do when paying in notes and coins 
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