Limore Shur
Regisseur at EyeballNYC
Minneapolis, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelArt Celebrates
Kampagne Art Celebrates
Werbende Target Corporation
Marke Target
PostedJunI 2009
Produkt Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
Geschäftsbereich Kaufhäuser, Supermärkte
Story Target is celebrating 50 years of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater with “Art Celebrates”, a short film included in the ongoing design-focused “Art For All” campaign. The short film is being shown before performances of the dance company. Filming shot on the stage of the Joan Weill Center for Dance, home of the Ailey Company in New York, was integrated with historical footage from the company’s archives.
Philosophie To review the entire Catalyst Studios “Art for All” campaign, go to
Problem The installation continues the characteristics of the “Art for All” campaign, merging different, sometimes disparate art forms with the iconic Target bull’s eye. Target wanted ‘Art
for All’ to feel like the brand in a commercial sense, but not be a commercial.
While a version of “Art Celebrates” will be crafted as a broadcast TV spot, the project was originally conceived as a video installation playing on multiple screens of varying sizes in huge entertainment venues. The “Art Celebrates” installation launched in Los Angeles on March 13, and was also presented in Dallas’ Victory Park on March 26.
Medientyp Außenwerbung
Group Creative Director
Creative Director
Art Director
Senior Designer
Director of Client Services
Direktor Fotografie
Associate Artistic Director, Alvin Ailey
Artistic Director, Alvin Ailey
Junior Designer
CG Modeler
Lead Animator/Compositor
Chief Creative Officer
Group Manager of Media Production
Stellvertretender Creative Director

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