Sean Branigan
Regisseur at Screen Scene
Dublin, Irland
TitelA Man and His Horse
Kampagne Rugs For Life
Werbende Horseware Ireland
Marke Horseware Ireland
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2013 / 4
Geschäftsbereich Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Viehzucht, Fischerei
Story In the beautiful land of Ireland is the hidden gem Horseware, a small but global equestrian brand that wanted to create the company's first ever TV commercial. The ad is simply entitled A Man and His Horse, a soft spoken voice shares his story of love in a poem all the while showcasing Horsewares' blanket line for horses without taking away from the stunning scenery. 
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
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