Mike Smith
Executive Creative Director at Innocean Worldwide UK
London, Großbritannien
TitelHBO Voyeur
Kampagne HBO Voyeur - Home Box Office
Werbende Home Box Office, Inc.
Marke HBO
PostedApril 2008
Produkt hbovoyeur.com
Geschäftsbereich Fernseh- & Radioprogramme & Sender
Philosophie HBO used the trifecta of an outdoor event, web film, and interactive website to display their capabilities in the art of storytelling. Last summer in Manhattan a giant life-size movie was projected onto the side of an apartment building. It appeared to show what was happening inside the individual apartments, with individual inhabitants going on with their domestic activities. Passersby could seemingly peek into the lives of the city dwellers. A website was also launched with a dedicated blog and a unique web film titled "The Watcher" to add suspense and increase interaction and audience engagement. HBO's effort earned mention in New York Magazine as "brilliant" and "highbrow". One million unique viewers saw the online content in the first three weeks with fully half of HBO's On Demand viewers watching it within the first week. Original music was composed to fit each story.
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