Marc De Groot
Fotograf at Air
Brussels, Belgien
TitelHACKED by_ H&M Poster 4
Kampagne HACKED by__ X
Werbende H&M
Marke H&M
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2019 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Mode, Kleidung & Schuhe
Philosophie HACK THE FASHION SYSTEM__ After the successful designer collaboration with Viktor and Rolf in 2006, this is the second time that H&M has teamed up with a Dutch designer duo. However, the collection tells a different story this time. With HACKED by_, Van Slobbe and Van Benthum take care of leftover batches from fashion production and through collage techniques, embroidery, gathering, etc. the pieces get a new topicality and they are granted a second life. This happens in local, small workshops where people are trained who, as refugees or re-entrants, build a new life. Instead of endlessly discussing the need for a new system, HACKED by_ chooses to actually bring about the change. Communication We created a visual communication style that emphasises the HACKED by_ method. The images were cut up and redesigned into new compositions. The layering of several images gives a wide range of the possibilities and a fresh brand positioning in the Fashion system. The HACKED by_ designs method is applied to all POS material & communication, for example the HACKED by_H&M OOH digital billboard. For extra stopping power we created GIF animations of the collages. These were used as editorial content, in digital billboards and as social media GIF art campaign. Also a GIF sticker campaign was launched so people can engage with HACKED by_ and hack their Insta stories with activist GIF stickers.
Medientyp Plakat
Concept & Creative Direction
Concept GIF art & sticker campaign
Client H&M
HACKED by_ designers
HACKED by_ designers
HACKED by_ digital billboard take-over thanks to

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