Alex Grieve
Global & London CCO at BBH
London, Großbritannien
TiteliVoice 1
Kampagne You're Not You When You're Hungry
Werbende Mars, Inc.
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2015 / 5
Geschäftsbereich Schokoriegel
Story Snickers is building on its "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign with a voice recognition tool that gives unhelpful answers to whatever you ask in a bored, sarcastic voice. 
Philosophie Created by the brand's U.K. agency, Abbbot Mead Vickers BBDO, and production company MediaMonks, the Snickers iVoice site is designed to respond to whatever you type in -- for example, if you ask it what the weather's like, it responds "look out of the window." It's only after your fourth go that the tool reveals a picture of a Snickers bar and reveals: "OK, I'm way too hungry for this."
The tool, optimized for the Google Chrome browser, is available on both desktop and mobile. To entice you, Snickers reveals it comes with a warning: don't ask it about Rockhopper penguins. (We tried; it's not nice).
The brand has also launched a tool that turns statues and monuments into hungry versions of themselves on Google Streetview. The Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore and the Sphinx are among the iconic landmarks that are pictured on in unexpected poses: for example, Lady Liberty is seen texting and London's statue of Eros is pictured squirting a water pistol. 
Medientyp Internetseiten
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