Paul Forsyth
Directeur artistique at Doner
Cleveland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kampagne Let's be real.
Werbende Catbird Creative
Marke Catbird Creative
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2023 / 9
Geschäftsbereich Werbeagenturen
Story Most teens perceive a world where their peers are out partying all the time. As a result, it leads to deep FOMO. However, the stats say otherwise: most kids are not engaging in drugs, alcohol, and other unhealthy activities. The "Let's be real." campaign sought to dispel teen myths and promote positive behavior. It brought to light the truth - that most kids' lives are pretty normal (even boring). The campaign's tension came from a juxtaposition of the perceived "coolness" using a saturated photo style, against a human truth that revealed the mundane lives most teens actually lead.
Medientyp Presse & Publikationen
Art Director
Photography Studio

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