Greg Carter
Creative Teammitglied at 4Creative
Boston, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kampagne Women and Smoking - ALF
Werbende American Legacy Foundation
Marke Women and Smoking
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2002 / 8
Geschäftsbereich Rotes Kreuz, öffentliche Beratungsstellen (Drogen/Alkoholismus/Rauchen/Aids)
Slogan Legacy
Story This print campaign was developed along with the TV campaign to showcase the goodbye letters to their families of real women dying of very real tobacco-related diseases. So real, unfortunately, that one of the women has since lost her struggle against lung cander. The campaign was shot and filmed by Richard Avedon.
Medientyp Zeitschriftenanzeige
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Executive Creative Director
Executive Creative Director
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Agency Producer
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Agency Producer

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