Andy Bird
Chief Creative Officer at Publicis North America
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelFuck The Poor
Kampagne Fuck The Poor
Werbende The Pilion Trust
Marke The Pilion Trust
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2014 / 3
Geschäftsbereich Karitative, Ehrenamtliche Organisationen
Slogan We know you care. Please care enough to give.
Story A man wearing sign saying: “Fuck the poor” was sent out to the streets of the capital as part of a campaign for the charity by Publicis. Londoners were secretly filmed taking the man to task for the offensive statement.
Afterwards, the man flipped his sign over so that it read: “Help the poor” and he proceeded to ask for donations - but this time people completely ignored him. 
Philosophie The Pilion Trust, a charity that helps some of the poorest and most vulnerable, has conducted a social experiment on the people of London to see if we really do care about those who are less fortunate. 
Medientyp Internet-Film
Creative Director
Art Director
Agency Producer
Regisseur Jonathan Pearson
Produktionsfirma Supergoober
Executive Producer

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