Jeremy Filgate
Executive Creative Director at Publicis New York
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelI'm Moving to Canada
Kampagne I'm moving to Canada
Werbende Doctors of the World
Marke Doctors of the World
PostedJuli 2017
Geschäftsbereich Karitative, Ehrenamtliche Organisationen
Story We used one disaster, the US Presidential Election, to draw attention to another disaster, the Syrian refugee crisis. Using Google trends, we noticed that Trump’s nomination was causing a huge spike in the search term “Move to Canada”.So, we set out hold up a mirror to Americans considering to flee the US because of an orange man in an ill-fitting suit. And draw a parallel to the plight of the Syrian refugees, who were fleeing for their lives. How?With Google AdWords we hijacked the moment Americans were searching and directed them to our site: ImMovingtoCanada.orgIn addition, we launched a social campaign responding real-time to the debates and news, to further drive people to our site.Once there, we compared Americans fleeing due to the election, to the Syrian refugees who were fleeing for their lives. And gave visitors a reason to donate towards the cause.
Medientyp Fernsehen & Kino
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