Aaron Starkman
Partner, Creative Director at Rethink Communications Inc., Toronto
North York, Kanada
TitelLost Tapes of the 27 Club
Kampagne Lost Tapes of the 27 Club
Werbende Over the Bridge
Marke Over the Bridge
PostedNovember 2021
Geschäftsbereich Gemeinnützige Organisationen
Story As long as there’s been popular music, musicians and crews have struggled with mental health at a rate far exceeding the general adult population. And this issue hasn’t just been ignored. It’s been romanticized, by things like the 27 Club—a group of musicians whose lives were all lost at just 27 years old. To draw attention to this issue, we used AI to imagine what these artists might have created, were they still with us. And we were positively overwhelmed by the conversation it sparked.
Problem Over The Bridge is non profit organization and a lifeline for the music industry’s long-term success. Using the music industry as a conduit, OTB assists industry members, who are at their most vulnerable, cultivate and achieve long-term mental health and addiction recovery goals.
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