Michele Danan
Senior Planner at St. Luke’s Communications
London, Großbritannien
TitelPig & Pencil
Kampagne Burst Pipe - British Telecom
Werbende BT Broadband
Marke BT Broadband
PostedMai 2005
Geschäftsbereich Öffentliche Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Slogan Bringing your kids and clever stuff together
Problem The internet provided BT with a means of creating growth from its core telephony business. But the internet was stagnating due to slow connection speeds. Broadband was the answer, but the public didn’t respond and Broadband remained a niche market.
Ergebnis The BT campaign grew the Broadband market by 15% and increased BT’s customer base by 300%. The campaign produced a net revenue to BT of £35.6m, an incremental market value of £85m and a payback to the economy of £500m.
Medientyp Presse & Publikationen
Markt Großbritannien
Creative Director
Creative Director
Senior Planner

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