Evan Willnow
Produktionskünstler at Rodgers Townsend
St. Louis, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kampagne The World According To - The New at&t
Werbende AT&T Inc.
Marke The New at&t
PostedMai 2006
Produkt TheNewATT.com - MP5 Network
Geschäftsbereich Öffentliche Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Slogan Your world. Delivered
Story AT&T Brand Vertical Print
Magazine, Newspaper campaign.
Philosophie This campaign positions the new AT&T as a company that sees the world from the only point-of-view that matters…yours. Whatever your world, only one company delivers everything you need to make the most of it.
Problem To reintroduce and refresh one the great American brands to the world.
Ergebnis Eleven executions ran in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fortune, Fast Company, Newsweek, Time and Wired, just to name a few.
Medientyp Zeitschriftenanzeige
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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