Danny Clinch
Fotografie / Illustration at Milkt Films
Minneapolis, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelA day in the life
Kampagne A Day In the Life - Knight Capital Group
Werbende Knight Group
Marke Knight Capital Group
PostedMai 2006
Produkt financial services
Geschäftsbereich Bankwesen, Finanzen, Recht & Versicherung
Slogan The science of trading. The standard of trust.
Story Famed rock photographer Danny Clinch has created a montage of images from the trading floor that jump off the page to capture the essence of what Knight encounters in its quest to service clients with integrity and innovation.
Philosophie "We took a look at what the competition is doing, which is traditional page advertising," says Chris Philip, Doremus' Senior VP, Media Director, "and blew the category apart. We developed unique sizes to give the ads the impact of a spread at a fraction of the cost. The appeal of the executions is that they lend themselves to the beauty of the photographic images."
Medientyp Zeitschriftenanzeige
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mehr Informationen www.doremus.com
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