Katia Hersard
Werbeleiter at Fnac
PARIS, Frankreich
TitelE-rotic Touch
Kampagne E-rotic Touch
Werbende Fnac
Marke Fnac
PostedNovember 2013
Geschäftsbereich Fachgeschäfte
Story Passages from bestseller Lady Chatterley’s lover were printed along the megastore walls. Customers were encouraged to caress the words with their fingers.Using a specially engineered “granular synthesis and motion detection” customers’ touch triggered a prerecorded reading of the text via directional speakers at the exact pace of the touch. As fingers caressed the words, the extract becomes a sensual journey guiding visitors in a playful way to the erotic book section.Visitors touching the words one after another to trigger the full pre-recorded passage of Lady Chatterley’s lover were literally guided to the book section in a playful way. 
Philosophie We created the “Erotic Touch”, an interactive and erotic audio book experience that was controlled by people’s touch.
Problem Promote La FNAC megastore’s Week of Eroticism and more specifically drive customers to the unfamiliar erotic books section in order to raise awareness and sales. 
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