Nick Klinkert
Group Creative Director at Droga5
New York, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
TitelAxe 2 Grind
Kampagne Axe 2 Grind
Werbende Unilever
Marke Axe
PostedJunI 2005
Geschäftsbereich Deodorants
Story To introduce Axe’s longer-lasting bodyspray to jaded 15-24 year-old men, we created This tongue-in-cheek, grassroots website documented a rash of reports of young males who've been attacked by over-sexed women. To warn other men to watch their backs, – an amateurish/grassroots website - documented many photos, videos and audio files of these realistic, yet highly bizarre, incidents. One film included surveillance footage of a dry cleaning clerk smelling a male customer's underwear. In another, a spooked guy, hiding in an abandoned cabin, is terrified to see a pink, knee-high stiletto boot kick down his door.
Medientyp Interaktiv
Markt Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
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