Fábio	Nascimento
Art Director at Master Roma Waiteman
Sao Paulo, Brasilien
TitelZombie - The Origin
Titel (Originalsprache)Origem
Kampagne Zombie The Origin
Werbende Partnership Against Drugs Association
Marke APCD
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2013 / 11
Geschäftsbereich Rotes Kreuz, öffentliche Beratungsstellen (Drogen/Alkoholismus/Rauchen/Aids)
Story In Brazil there are two million crack addicts.And for lack of information many young people start smoking crack.This is an educational campaign that began in cinemas warning about the first zombie film produced in Brazil.After a week debuted in theaters and on the web film with testimonials from zombies from behind telling that their origin was crack.
Medientyp Internet-Film
Mehr Informationen www.zombieaorigem.com.br
Executive Creative Director
Art Director
Kreation / Art Direction
Creative Director

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