Mare Hofmeyr
Art Buyer at Ogilvy South Africa
Bryanston, Südafrika
TitelMuhammad Ali
Kampagne Eyes
Werbende Bookdealers
Marke Bookdealers
Datum der ersten Ausstrahlung/Veröffentlichung 2011 / 5
Geschäftsbereich Andere
Slogan Biographies
Philosophie In order to drive customers to books that they may not have considered before, Bookdealers created in-store posters to promote specific sections – like this one for Biographies. It shows that reading a biography is like being inside someone else’s head, looking at the world through their eyes. 
Medientyp Plakat
Art Buyer
Digitale Retuschierung
Art Director
Creative Director
Creative Director
Executive Creative Director

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